No More Violence: esce "The bullet"
In fondo all'articolo c'è il link soundcloud per ascoltare il nostro ultimo pezzo: The bullet.
È una canzone ispirata a Kurt Cobain. Beh, in realtà più alla sua triste scomparsa.Per me rimane un mostro sacro e una guida musicale di riferimento ineguagliabile.
The bullet lyrics:
He lies down and nobody cares
after that sound a deafening silence
what remains is a house with a little light in the upper room
the world still does not stop and continues to run
Run run run run
No trace of anger in your eyes
but it was so evident in your words
Now it's all over with that rifle shot
the world still does not stop and continues to run
Ma ciancio alle bande e buon ascolto.
Hope you enjoy.
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